Expressions ...
The Expressions Parser works with parenthesis, on immediate values, from inside to outside for nested levels.
The keys are: + - * / or and xor not shl shr. For integers.
Immediate Numbers can be given in Decimal, Hexa or Binary.
mov eax (((654+12) and (00_1010_1010*2)) +3) ; eax = 19
mov eax (not 2) ; eax = 0_FFFF_FFFD
There is no precedence. All operations are performed, from inside to outside levels and inside one given level, from left to right.
The Expressions Parser is for immediates only. You can use Equates inside.
The Expressions Parser can hold Foating Point Unit Reals, but in a much more restrictive way than integers. The syntax is, for example:
[RealNumber: R§ (34/25.1 -2)]
Only the 4 Operations (- + * / ) in the case of Reals. You cannot use nested Parenthesis sets, for example, R§ ((34/25.1)-2)], or use logical Operators, will give rise to error Messages.
Win Equates and User Equates are allowed inside Expressions.
Expressions are allowed inside Equates.