RosAsm Numbers ...
24 ; this is 24 decimal (no leading zero)
018 ; this is 24 hexadecimal (one leading zero)
0011000 ; this is 24 binary (two leading zeros)
equivalent but best:
See real number at FPU
As RosAsm is intended is to be a true assembler it has of course none of MASM style extended data, like:
char for byte
integer for dword
boolean for byte
float for real4
IntPtr for far ptr integer
If a character is a byte, there is absolutely no reason to call it a 'char'.
Char and Boolean are _qualities_ / 'B$' points a _quantity_.
There is one exception for that: I implemented 'R$/...' data declarations for the FPU format to simplify both the parser job and user writings.
Some good programmers are in the opposite opinion and think that 'fashioned typings' increase readability. So, if you agree with them, simply set the equates you need for this:
[char B§]
mov al, char esi ; Stupid, but it works too...