Configuration Tab .

Tree View

List orphans. If some Routines Labels are never called in your source, they do not appear in the Tree output. If this Flag is on, these orphean Labels are listed at the end of the Tree.

First call only. A complete Tree of a huge Source may be painful to read. When this Flag is on, Labels called from several places are provided only for the first encountered call.

Auto hide on source edition. When this Flag is on, as soon as your Source gets the user input focus, the Tree view is minimized, in order to free your work space.

Rebuild after each Compilation. In normal mode (Flag off), if you want to rebuild a fresh new Tree View List, you have to close it and to select the [Tree View] Menu option. With this Flag on, this is done silently each time you recompile your Application.

Sources Editor

Auto-Indent on Carriage Return. Sets the Auto-Indentation feature on.

Load last used File on Start-Up. As it says. Default is off.

Tab is........... Definition of the number of spaces to be used instead of Tab. 4 is recommended.

Blinking Cursor. By default, The Source Editor Cursor is static. You can have it blinking and define the Blinking time.

BackUp Files Max. Defines the number of Files you wish to have saved into your /Path/BackUp Directory, when hitting [Ctrl][K].

Vertical ScrollBar. Implement a Scroll Bar.

With Security. Send a MessageBox if you close RosAsm after having modified an Application without compiling it.

With Code Completion. Enables the Code Completions features.

With Write Time error Detection. Partial Try&See Implementation: Actually simply check for the Instruction being a correct Mnemonic or a correct Macro Evocation.

With Sounds. Beeps on several actions.

Fonts. Definition of the Source Editor Font.

Bad Habits

[Ctrl][Y]. Deletes the whole Line, in the Source Editor when you hit these Keys.

Selections Auto-Deletions. Deletes selected Block, in the Sources Editor in the same way as in Text Editors.


Defines the Colors to be used in the Source Editor, for BackGround, Statements, Comments, Text, Brackets and Controls BackGround.

Help Files

You provide here the Paths to Help Files referenced in the Main Menu [Help] Option.

Companion Files

Calc. Definition of the Path to the Calculator you want to be executed from the [Tool] Menu Option.

Clip. Path to your Clip.txt File (for the Snippets Manager).

B_U_Asm. Definition of the Path to the Main RosASm Help File.

[F2] runs.... You definition here whatever File you want to be run when hitting [F2], in the IDE.

Browse.... Definition of the Path to RosAsm Equates.equ File. All other RosAsm Files (for Structure, Api,...) should be saved in this same Directory).

User Menu

You may add a private Main Menu Item here. In the Edit Boxes, you input the name(s) you want to insert in this sub Menu. Then you Click on [File >>> ...] to select what external File to run on the according Menu Selection.

The Buttons with a cross, at right are for deleting Items.

This feature is not very robust, when editing. Do it clean and in the proper order. If you mess it all up, delete everything and restart fresh.

Pos (Position and size of RosAsm Window)

Get Window Pos. This action reads the actual Position of the RosAsm Window (you just move/resize the RosAsm Window  where you want it to be on start-up, and Click here).

Edit Boxes. Manual input of the Window Coordinates.

Set Window Pos. Sets the Window Position depending on Edit Boxes contents.

Save Pos on Closure. When this Flag is on, each time you close RosAsm, the default Start-Up position is modified and saved accordingly.
